Design Preserve Sustain
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The Process For Services

Few people use architects in their everyday life, so my process involves several steps that seek to provide a path to an appropriate solution. Understanding the existing conditions & the client are central in crafting a design through a process of collaboration & flexibility that leads to a successful outcome.

First, I develop the existing conditions while developing the client’s program for the building, which includes needs, wants, & aesthetics. I review the building codes & zoning ordinances to make sure that we understand what the legal requirements are for the proposed project. If the project will be a historic tax credit project, I work with the client to understand what historic materials will be important to preserve & what can be removed.

Second, I provide a preliminary design for review by the client. A back & forth may need to occur to test the priorities of the program against the realities of the existing conditions & budget & to conform to the client’s aesthetic.

Third, after a design is complete & approved by the client, bidding, construction, or permit drawings are developed depending on need. I present projects at zoning & historic preservation hearing. I make revisions as needed for code compliance if issues come up with permitting.

Once construction starts, I am available for any question or need. I review shop drawings as needed & provide drawings to contractors in various formats for their use. I have inspected for pay-outs for title companies. I make it a priority to answer questions & provide services for projects in construction because I know that is when delays are the most costly.

Construction drawings

Construction drawings

An example of the level of drawings I provide with ArchiCad architectural software.

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